Call For Paper

We are honored to invite you to ICICIS 2019. ICICIS 2019 is a premium international conference covers all areas related to the Theory, Development, Applications, Experiences and Evaluation of Advancements in Computing Technology and gathers fellow students, researchers and practitioners in these fields from all around the world.

Important Dates
The conference encourages papers submissions to attract attendance from both academia and industry. Thus, the conference seeks innovative technical papers that consolidate and present the leading edge research prototype development, deployment and performance studies in the following multi- disciplinary areas which includes the following (but not limited to these topics)
Conference Tracks (But, not limited to):

Track 1: Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, signal &Image Processing, Graphics and Data Visualization

Machine Learning
AI & Smart systems
Pattern Recognition
Signal and Image Processing
Graphics and Visualization
Computer Vision

Track 2: High Performance Computing, Robotics and Embedded Systems

Computer Architecture
Operating Systems
High Performance Computing
Quantum Computing
Cloud Computing
Embedded Systems

Track 3: Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery

Database Managment
Mobile Data Management
Data Security
Data Warehousing
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Big Data and Data Analytics
Natural Language Processing and semantic Analysis
Information Retrival

Track 4: Bioinformatics and Biomedical Applications

Health informatics
Biomedical applications
AI and Machine learning applications in Bioinformatics

Track 5: Information Systems, Computer Networks and Network Security

Information Systems Developing
Business Process Modeling and Management
Performance Analysis
Modeling and Simulation
Design, implementaion, and analysis of network architectures and algorithms
Wireless, Enterprise, datacenter, and storage networks
Network management and traffic engineering
Smart Grids
Network Security and Cryptography
Cyper Security
Smart IOT

Track 6: Software Engineering and Testing

Software Testing
Software architecture
Software requirement

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding which will be published in IEEE Explore, and abstracted/indexed in Scopus, Google Scholar, … and many others A&I partners.
Conference E-mail: