Prof. Hassan Abdalla - Biography

Prof. Hassan Abdalla

The Provost and Academic lead of the East London University


Professor Abdalla is currently the Provost and academic lead of the University of East London. Prior to that, he was Pro Vice-Chancellor for Learning and Teaching and the College of Technology and Innovation; and Executive Dean of the School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering. He is an international authority in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Smart/Future Cities, Brain Computer Interface (BCI), and Autonomous Systems with over 25 years’ experience in both academia and industry. Professor Abdalla is a Principal Fellow of the British Higher Education Academy and a Fellow of the British Royal Society for Arts (FRSA). He is a member of the Editorial Board of several international journals. He won several awards nationally and internationally in recognition of his original contribution to research, academia and industry. Professor Abdalla has been leading major research projects nationally and internationally in partnership with world-class companies such as, Siemens, IBM, AWS and Ford Motor Company. He published over 150 papers world-wide, supervised over 50 PhDs and secured several millions of pounds of research grants from the Research Council, European Commission, Governmental Bodies and Industry. Professor Abdalla served on the Technology Strategy (TSB) Advisory Board and the Research Council (EPSRC) Assessment Panel and Peer Review College. He acted as an external examiner for many universities including Sheffield, Brunel, Bradford, Cranfield, Birmingham, Nottingham Trent, De Montfort, and Dublin City. He chairs a number of Professorial Panels in the UK and overseas. He has been proactively engaged in various governmental debates at Westminster with regards to the Industrial Strategy, Artificial Intelligence, and graduates’ skills for economic growth.